No Excuses - HER At Home Workout

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It’s true what they say, Coach Bec has a sweat inducing home workout for you. After all, are you really working if you aren’t completely soaked by the end of it?

There is no equipment required for this workout, all you need is space! Here is a tip: if you want to use weight and don’t have any traditional dumbbells, try using things from around the house i.e. water jugs, laundry detergent, or your dog… just don’t drop them.

We’re sure by now you’re eager to get started. So, let’s do this!

Workout Breakdown:

Warm up

5 minute foam rolling

Hip Raises x 10 w/ static hold at the top

One legged hip raises x 10 each side w/ static hold at the top

Wide leg hip raises x 10

Legs in tabletop position, crunch x 10 w/ static hold at the top

Main Set (3-4 sets)

Bulgarian Lunges (use chair or couch) x 10 each side

Single Leg Deadlift x 10 each side

Kneeling Knee Drives x 10 each side

High Plank Rows x 10 (each side)

If you are using weight, increase the weight for each set.

How’d it go? If you want a little accountability love, post your results on your Instagram and tag @here_we_run and @becwilcock, we will keep motivated! 

HER xx